### Tuesday
3:00: Mid-term survey
3:15: How to use an oscilloscope
3:30: Output device extravaganza! (Choose one, or more)
- RGB LEDs: Control each color channel independently.
- LED Strips: Light the first 4 LEDs of your LED strip with different colors.
- OLED/ TFT displays: Write a function to change the screen color.
- Piezo Buzzers: Compose a melody (3+ notes) and play it.
- i2s Speaker/Amplifier (also see this i2s tutorial): Play a sound file.
### Reading:
LEDs, Transistors, How to use an oscilloscope
Serial Peripheral Interface ,
### Thursday
3:00: Assignment Review
3:20: More motors!
- Servo motors
- EMF (motors/solenoids/valves): Open and close a solenoid with a FET. Code for ESP32
- Motor encoders: Control a DC motor with precision
- Brushless DC motors
- Stepper motors
### Labs:
- Discuss final project MVP progress (3D design)
- Discuss CNC assignment - choose either vacuum forming, composites, molding and casting, etc.
- Demonstrate the basics of using a 'scope.
- Work on the assignment.
### Assignment:
Minimum Viable Product: Make a serious attempt at the most challenging/intimidating aspect of your final project.
1. Include at least one input and one output device.
2. Write a microcontroller program that integrates at least one input device and one output device. Avoid the delay()
function and use the C++ class structure.
3. Use an oscilloscope to discover the time domain at which your output device is operating. Is it on a fixed clock? What's its speed? Share images and describe your findings.
Examples: [Isa (Plant Waterer)](https://isa-gooijer.github.io/PS70/07_output/index.html), Kian (pan/tilt kit), Kassia (RGB LED / buzzer), Teddy (LED Strip / pot).