<h3> Tuesday: </h3> 3:00: <a href='../../lab/input/voltage.html' target="_self">Voltage Dividers</a>. Build one of the following circuits. How do you know which fixed-value resistor to use? - Potentiometer - <a href='../../lab/input/temp/index.html' target="_self">Thermistor</a> - <a href='../../lab/input/force/index.html' target="_self">Force/Flex</a> - <a href='../../lab/input/light/index.html' target="_self">Light</a> 3:45: Other Sensors: - <a href='../../lab/input/hall/index.html' target="_self">Magnetic Field</a> - <a href='../../lab/input/mic/index.html' target="_self">Microphones</a> - <a href='../../lab/input/piezo/index.html' target="_self">Piezoelectric (voltage-generating)</a> - <a href='../../lab/input/IR/index.html' target="_self"> IR transmit-receive (proximity)</a> - <a href='https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-lis3dh-triple-axis-accelerometer-breakout/arduino'>LIS3DH </a>Accelerometer, <a href='https://randomnerdtutorials.com/arduino-mpu-6050-accelerometer-gyroscope/'>MPU-6050 Gyro/Accelerometer</a>, <a href='https://www.adafruit.com/product/2472'>BNO055</a> IMU <h3> Reading: </h3> <p> Review SparkFun's pages on <a href='https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/analog-to-digital-conversion/all'> Analog to Digital Conversion</a>, <a href='https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/voltage-dividers'>Voltage Dividers</a>, <a href='https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/capacitors/all'>Intro to Capacitance </a>, <a href='https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/capacitors'>Capacitors</a>, and <a href='https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/series-and-parallel-circuits'>Series and Parallel Circuits</a>. </p> <p> Read chapters 5 and 6 of <a href='http://mars1980.github.io/resources/making_things_move.pdf' > Making Things Move </a><br> </p> <h3> Thursday: </h3> 3:00: Assignment Review <br> 3:15: <a href='../../lab/input/capacitance/index.html' target="_self">Capacitive Sensors</a><br> 4:00: Sensor fabrication workshop: make a capacitance-based sensor. Discuss appplications and calibration. <h3> Labs: </h3> <p> <!-- Fabricate and calibrate sensors. Consider sensing needs for final project. <br> Make sure you are comfortable with <a href='https://learn.adafruit.com/multi-tasking-the-arduino-part-1/overview'>multi-tasking with the Arduino language</a> <br><br> <a href='../../lab/input/week6lab_servobox.html'>Code for beginning of lab</a><br> <a href='../../lab/input/Kassia_InputDeviceLab.pdf'>Kassia's Tuesday Lab Section Slides</a> --> Write code for the Useless Box using Class Structure. <a href="../../lab/input/UselessBoxClassCode.html">Code</a><br> Finish the Useless Box. <br> Scaffold Input Sensor Code with Class Structure.<br> Make sure you are comfortable with <a href='https://learn.adafruit.com/multi-tasking-the-arduino-part-1/overview'>multi-tasking with the Arduino language</a> <br><br> </p> <h3> Assignment: </h3> <p> 1. Make a capacitive sensor to measure a physical quantity with your microcontroller. Avoid the <code>delay()</code> function; use timers instead. <br> 2. Configure and use another sensor (temperature, microphone, etc.). Include at least one output device (it could just be an LED). Avoid the <code>delay()</code> function and use the C++ class structure. <br> 3. Include schematics of each sensor. 4. Calibrate each sensor by plotting points on a graph. Discuss the relationship between the signals recorded by your microcontroller and the physical quantities that you're measuring (i.e., it is likely not a linear relationship). <br> 5. Prepare CAD files for CNC week. Consider either 2D DXF files for routing sheet material (like plywood or OSB), or 3D STL files to mill out a (2.5D) shape. </p> <p> Examples: <a href="https://ctian5136.github.io/ps70/html/weeks/week6.html"> Cindy (RFID Scanner)</a>, <a href='https://wujibi123.github.io/PHYS_S-12/07_ElectronicInput/index.html'>Dan (thermistor)</a>, <a href='https://silviafesta.github.io/PHYS_S-12/Assignments/assignment6.html'> Silvia (IR phototransistor)</a> </p>