### Tuesday: _Please make sure you're able to access Autodesk Fusion 360 (or another appropriate CAD software)_ 3:00: <a href='../../lab/cutting/universal.html' target="_self">Intro to Laser Cutting</a>, <a href='https://makezine.com/2015/11/13/how-to-use-your-digital-calipers-7-tips/'>Measuring with calipers</a>. <br> 3:20: Laser demo / <a href='../../lab/cutting/sketch.html' target="_self"> Fusion 360 sketch tutorial. </a><br> <a href="https://harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=16f5453a-f5e8-4a96-ad2b-b1070185a5df">Finger joint box tutorial video</a> ### Readings: - <a href='../../lab/cutting/2d-cutting.html' target="_self">Guide to 2D cutting machines</a> <!-- - <a href='../../lab/cutting/engraving.html' target="_self">Engraving</a> --> - [Raster vs Vector Images](https://guides.lib.umich.edu/c.php?g=282942&p=1885352). For raster operations, I prefer [Photopea](https://www.photopea.com/) [(see tutorial)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3aPaTNV5g4) as opposed to Photoshop or Gimp (open-source). For vector operations, I prefer Inkscape [(see overview)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwZ6nN6L2Yk) as an open-source alternative to Adobe Illustrator. Our <a href='../../lab/cutting/vinyl_cutter.html' target="_self">vinyl cutter</a> can be operated directly from Inkscape. <!-- - <a href='https://roberthart56.github.io/SCFAB/SC_lab/Tools/2D_design/Inkscape/index.html'>Inkscape and Gimp for 2D design.</a> <br> --> - <a href='http://mars1980.github.io/resources/making_things_move.pdf' >Making Things Move</a> chapters 1-3. Much of this should be quick to skim through as a refresher, but pay attention to concepts that may be new to you like "minimum constraint design". No need to do the exercises. <br> - Sparkfun: <a href="https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/what-is-electricity">What is electricity?</a>, <a href="https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/what-is-a-circuit">What is a circuit?</a>, <a href="https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/electric-power">Electric power</a>, <a href='https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/how-to-use-a-breadboard'>Breadboards</a>. Read up on <a href='https://www.makerspaces.com/how-to-solder/'>soldering</a> for next week.<br> </p> ### Thursday: 3:00: Website review, discuss final project ideas <br> 3:30: <a href='../../lab/electronics/electronics.html' target="_self">Intro to electronics</a>, [Falstad](https://www.falstad.com/circuit/) or [circuit-diagram.org](https://www.circuit-diagram.org/) for electronics simulations. <br> 3:45: Workshop: Materials needed: - Microcontroller - Breadboard - Wires and stripper - Multimeter - 1k Resistor - One or more LEDs Complete the following: - Use a breadboard - Build an LED circuit - Use a multimeter to measure voltage - Determine the current running through the LED - Try adding a button or switch to interrupt the flow of current - Build a circuit with multiple LEDs - What happens when resistors are arranged in series? Parallel? ### Labs: - Fusion Tutorial of Useless Box (<a href='../../lab/cutting/S2025 PS70 Lab.pdf'>Presentation</a>) - Use a vector graphics tool to create a monochromatic design - Cut something with the <a href='../../lab/cutting/vinyl_cutter.html' target="_self">vinyl cutter</a> - Work on assignment. Make sure you've cut at least your first iteration during lab ### Assignment: - Create a box (shoebox-sized or slightly smaller) to hold your materials for the rest of the semester. Account for lasercutter kerf. Expect to make multiple trips to the laser cutter, as pieces often won't fit together perfectly the first time. <br> <!-- Examples: <a href="https://kassialove.github.io/PS70-assignments/week2.html"> Kassia's triangles</a>, <a href='https://tomkinsc.github.io/harvard-ps70/2020-02-11/'>Chris's pencil holder</a>, <a href="https://kian2attari.github.io/2020/02/01/week-2.html">Kian's Moose</a> --> - Work through a Fusion 360 (or other software) tutorial, like <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVFYrBClkPc'>this tutorial for more parametric 2D</a>, or <a href='https://help.autodesk.com/view/fusion360/ENU/courses/AP-GET-STARTED-OVERVIEW'>some of these from Autodesk</a>, or some of <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3qGQ2utl2A&t=38s'>this series </a> for a more complete intro to Fusion (or find something similar if you are using other software). Document what you produce (an image or two and the 3D files suffice, no need to write up all the steps). - Select at least 2 household objects or components from the lab (could be items you think you might include in your final project). Measure them using calipers, and model them in Fusion 360 (or other program). Create an assembly using these components, and document your work on your webpage (by assembly we just mean a 3D model that contains multiple components, possibly connected by joints). You may also incorporate items from other 3D model repositories like <a href='https://grabcad.com/library'>GrabCad</a>. #### Box Examples: - [Rob's Rabbet Box](https://roberthart56.github.io/projects/digital_fab/parametric_box/) - [Chenjie's Pentagonal Box](https://chjxiong.github.io/ps70/wk2.html) - [Isa's Tool Box](https://isa-gooijer.github.io/PS70/02_2Ddesign/index.html)