### Universal PLS6.150D in SC 103
### Standard Operating Procedure
_Please do not use the laser cutter until you’ve been trained with lab staff.
Read the [manual](./PLS.pdf) to learn more about ULS laser cutters._
1. Turn on the ventilation
- Open the sliding damper to allow air to flow out
- Flip the switch on the wall to the right
- It will take ~1 min for fan to get up to speed
- The green light will turn on when the power interlock is engaged
2. Turn on the laser cutter
- Switch is on right side
3. Place material on laser bed
- Check focus (adjust Z as needed)
- Check for debris in nozzle at output lens
4. Check SETTINGS in ULS control software
- Home XY
- Use the Move and Array tools to arrange parts
- Use the Focus tool to make sure the material is correctly placed
5. Click the green button to start the cut
- The air compressor will start automatically
- Always stay by the laser cutter and keep an eye on its operation
6. Turn off the laser cutter and the exhaust when finished
- Return switch to center position to turn off ventilation
- Close the damper to prevent rain from getting in the laser cutter
### File Preparation
#### From Rhino (recommended):
1. Open Rhino, open a new file and select "ULS Template.3dm." This file contains all of the settings needed to cut or score. xs
2. Click the "PS70 Import" button.
- In the import DXF dialog, change units if needed
- Select the appropriate layer for your geometry (CUT, SCORE, or ENGRAVE).
3. Move geometry so that it is within the black outline (representing the laser cutter bed).
4. Print. Select PLS6.150D in the print dialog.
#### From Inkscape or Fusion 360:
1. Create drawing
2. Save as .pdf
3. Open with Adobe Reader
4. Print to ULS from Adobe Reader
### Safety issues
- Always keep within the tape on the floor in front of laser while cutting. Watch during the entire cut.
- Wait a few minutes after cutting plastics before opening the laser cutter to allow for outgassing.
- If a fire occurs, hit the emergency stop, turn off exhaust fan and wait for fire to subside.
- If it does not subside, use your judgement to fight fire with fire blanket or [extinguisher](https://www.osha.gov/etools/evacuation-plans-procedures/emergency-standards/portable-extinguishers/use).
- When fire is beyond safe control, call operations on the red phone to report fire. Pull fire alarm. Exit building.
### Materials
- Pretty much anything in the ULS materials database is okay.
- Most anything plant-derived: cardboard, wood, leather, fiber...
- Some plastics: Acrylic (plexiglass), Delrin
- Never cut: PVC plastic, ABS plastic. Ask if in doubt about a material.