### Agenda:
12:00: Website review / introductions
12:30: Intro to Laser Cutting, Measuring with calipers.
1:15: Break
1:30: Choose either Fusion or Blender. The Fusion group will meet Ibrahim in 103 for a laser cutting demo, while the Blender group will learn 2D sketching with Bobby and Kassia in 102.
2:15: Switch groups. The Blender group goes to the laser cutter while Ibrahim gives a Fusion 360 sketch tutorial.
### Readings:
Guide to 2D cutting.
Making Things Move chapters 1-3. Much of this should be quick to skim through as a refresher, but pay attention to concepts that may be new to you like "minimum constraint design". No need to do the exercises.
Sparkfun: What is electricity?, What is a circuit?, Electric power.
Cut something with the Vinyl Cutter. Work on press-fit assignment. Make sure to cut at least a test piece before the end of lab.