Course Applications

Course Applications

PS70 has an enrollment cap of 30 students. To apply for the class, please submit a petition on my.harvard, and in the comments section please briefly tell us (1) Why are you interested in this course? Do you have an idea of what you'd want to make for a final project? (It's okay if you don't, or if it's vague), and (2) Do you have any background in the topics covered in this course (e.g., machining, hand tools, electronics, CAD, programming languages, etc.)? Note that experience is NOT required -- we are looking for a mix of experience levels.

The course begins immediately with required safety trainings that cannot be made up; when students drop the course we are unable to fill their spots. Therefore, we ask that you please only submit a petition if you are certain that PS70 matches your interests and that you have the availability in your schedule to accommodate an intensive, hands-on course.

Applications will remain open until all spots are filled, after which applicants will be added to a waitlist. We regret that we typically do not have space to accommodate all applicants, but we encourage anyone who is interested to apply. We do not prioritize academic concentration or degree of experience, but rather seek a diversity of backgrounds and skill levels. We give preference to applicants who were previously waitlisted.