<h3> Presentation Format Guidelines</h3> <p> While we've emphasized the importance of documentation throughout the semester, providing high-quality documentation for your final project is particularly important. In our experience, many students continue to reference their documentation for years into the future, as part of a web portfolio, for job interviews, or for new collaborations. <i>Increasingly, the portfolio (online documentation) you build is more important than the grades you earn.</i> </p> <p> <b>Don't wait until you've "finished" your project -- start your documentation now. </b></p> <h3> Demo Video</h3> <p> Demo videos are often the most effective way to share your project with a broader audience. Students who spend a little extra time on making a high-quality demo video tend to report that it was well worth the effort. Some tips for making a good video: </p> <ul> <li> <b>Video Resolution:</b> modern smart phones tend to be well-equipped to make high-resolution videos (though DSLR cameras are even better, if available). If using your phone, make sure to check your camera settings. Use either 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio, and minimum 1920x1080 resolution. Film in landscape orientation, and make sure your phone is stationary and stabilized while you're filming (use tripods, helping hands, clamps, etc. to help). </li> <li> <b>Lighting:</b> Make sure your video is well lit. Natural lighting is best -- filming outdoors on a cloudy day is ideal (though that won't be an option for everyone). Avoid spot lights. Try to arrange lighting such that there are no visible shadows. </li> <li> <b>Clutter:</b> remove it. Make sure to film your demo video with a solid-color background. </li> <li> <b>Multiple Takes:</b> I've never gotten a demo to behave the right way on the first try. Maybe you're luckier than me! Otherwise, give yourself time to film a couple takes. You may end up splicing together snippets from multiple tries. </li> <li> <b>Editing:</b> this can be more time-consuming than you expect. I usually get a head start by making/modifying a template with title screens, text, etc., even before I've finished filming the final demo. Using the built-in video editors should be sufficient (iMovie on Mac or <a href='https://www.howtogeek.com/355524/how-to-use-windows-10s-hidden-video-editor/'>video editor</a> for Windows). </li> </ul> <p> Some examples for good demo videos include <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkDFMg0sEoE&list=PL4fKo3qhGqtpF1pSUNwt2ywPJQqLw6Xu-&index=1'>Sam's DanceGlove</a> and <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jArrtYOfalk&list=PL4fKo3qhGqtpF1pSUNwt2ywPJQqLw6Xu-&index=16'>Faraz's Fish Feeder</a>, <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMM7daKmcI8&list=PL4fKo3qhGqtpF1pSUNwt2ywPJQqLw6Xu-&index=17'>Max's Telescope</a>, and <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhfAbGBTgUA&list=PL4fKo3qhGqtpF1pSUNwt2ywPJQqLw6Xu-&index=6&t=2s'> Abe's iTAP shoes</a>. </p> <p> We'll be making a YouTube playlist of everyone's projects (check out some previous projects <a href='https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4fKo3qhGqtpF1pSUNwt2ywPJQqLw6Xu-'> here</a>). Once you've finished your video, either upload it to YouTube yourself and send us the link, or send us your video and we can upload it for you. </p> <h3> Process Documentation </h3> <p> You may choose to split your documentation into two pages (one for the fabrication process, and one for the finished project) or to include all information on a single page. Ken's <a href='https://kem406.github.io/hbot/'>H-Bot documentation</a> is a good example of the latter. It includes all of the necessary ingredients: </p> <ul> <li> It begins with a demo video (this part is pretty minimal, and could be enhanced with text overlays that explain a bit about what's happening under the hood). </li> <li> A brief motivating paragraph (why you chose this project). </li> <li> Plenty of images.</li> <li> Downloadable STL files for all CAD components (Fusion or other formats also okay).</li> <li> Links to outside resources, like hardware components that were used or tutorials that were referenced.</li> <li> All code used in the project, neatly formatted on the page. </li> </ul> <p> Other good examples of process documentation include [Felly & Rebecca's Suminagashi Machine](https://rebeccabrand.github.io/ps-70-fall-22/final-project.html), [Chase's MIDI Controller](https://ctv-harvard.github.io/PS70/final/final.html), and [Chibby's SmartSole](https://chibbyu.github.io/PS70/FinalProject/index.html). </p>