12:00: Assignment/Website Review and continued introductions.
12:30: Power, motors / Soldering. Safety reminders:
Wear eye protection.
Use fume extractors.
Don't touch hot stuff.
Lead waste goes in lead waste tubs.
Wash hands after soldering.
1:30: Tools, Processes, and Materials
* Saw Station: Use a [hand saw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5YmVHB3P5I), use the [scroll saw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_fenDdm4oQ). Use [hand files](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4KaiG7CpSQ) and the [bench grinder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvW4MVvk69A).
* Drill Station: Use a [hand drill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6qzo3LYTR4), use the [drill press](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu9tYcld7ck), and [tap a hole](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWCQ-hlQvdY).
* Assembly Station:
- Measure something using micrometer, calipers, protractor, and level.
- Joining: [nuts & bolts](https://youtu.be/zIGz8STM-fI), [screws](https://youtu.be/5cA9bZRHpZE), nails, and glue.
- Experiment with gears, bearings, belts, pulleys.
Build mechanisms using the Automata Tinkering Kit.
Work on kinetic sculpture assignment. Make sure you're comfortable with the skills covered in class.
Modeling gears in Fusion360 from scratch is a useful exercise. But you can also use a script to help automate the process. The first half of this video shows you how.
Look up artists like Arthur Ganson and others. These pieces probably took more than a few days to complete, but likely many of them started with study models made from things like cardboard and simple DC motors.
Here is a fun old reference for mechanisms: 507 Mechanical Movements, and offshoots.
Rob's example of using simple materials and joining in a prototype. And some extremely rapid prototypes
Adhesive advice at thistothat.com
Drilling a centered hole for a motor coupler.