Due by midnight, Thursday, April 19th. The final submission is worth 50% of your final project grade (25% for functional, bug-free code, and 25% for styling, aesthetics and user experience).
Your application must at least include all of the following features:
- Pay special attention to user experience. It should be obvious how to engage with your application for someone with no prior knowledge of your project.
- No bugs! Make sure to look for "edge cases", identify, and correct any bugs you find. If you don't know how to fix a bug, ask for help!
- A README file for your repo that contains a concise project description, group member names, and credits for any tutorials or code used (no more to-do lists, etc.)
- Clean up your repository -- no old branches, add instructions to the README for how others can contribute to your project.
- An "About" page for your project (or some way of describing the project). You should consider that the text and images you use to describe the project should serve the purposes of presenting the project live, as well as describing the project to online visitors.
Upload your work by midnight, Thursday, April 19th to your shared GitHub repository. As always, please reach out via for help if you get stuck with anything.