You should by now have narrowed in on an idea to pursue for your Final Project. For this stage of the Final Project, you are required to both explore the technical feasibility of your idea with a Proof of Concept, and outline at least two options for your Final Project in storyboard format (this part due March 8th!). You may divide the tasks among the group as you see fit.
For the proof of concept, you should identify the (likely) most challenging technical aspects of your concept and provide a “proof of concept” that your concept is technically feasible. You may find that you need to pivot your idea and try again. For most groups, this can be achieved by finding a relevant tutorial (perhaps with an API you intend to use) and completing it.
One person in your group should create a new GitHub repository for your Final Project. We'll talk more about how to use GitHub collaboratively next class. Push your code to this repository, calling the commit "proof of concept". Go to the repository settings tab, select "Collaborators" and search and add user "nathanmelenbrink".
Additionally, please outline at least two options for your final project in storyboard format. These should be two variations on the same general idea, not distinct proposals. There are no specific guidelines for how to organize your storyboard -- you should use whatever format allows you to most quickly and effectively communicate your idea. I strongly encourage sketching on paper as a means of quickly iterating through design ideas, but you may also draw in Photoshop, Illustrator, or other software.
The storyboards should communicate the intended user experience of your final project (as opposed to the internal mechanics). You can draw it as a series of panels, a flowchart, some combination of the two, etc. Sketches should be legible, but perfection is not a priority. Try to put down on paper as many ideas as you can -- at this stage we’re looking for quantity over quality.
Compose a forum post (under the group forum thread you’ve already started). Write a one-paragraph description of the Final Project idea as your team sees it at this point. Add your storyboard images (phone photos of your sketches are fine) and a minimal amount of text needed to explain your storyboards.
Upload your work by Thursday, March 8th to the Google Group, under the group forum thread you’ve already started. As before, you are also required to offer constructive criticism to at least one other group's storyboards. Please go beyond just saying "this sounds nice". Feedback should be in the general format of "x seems like a great idea, but y could maybe be improved by ...".