In this assignment, you are asked to propose at least 3 ideas for your final project, and publish it to the Google Group in the same thread as your precedents. Afterwards, browse the submissions of your fellow classmates and post feedback on at least one other person’s proposal.
Describe each of your 3+ ideas in a short paragraph. You may use a reference image, draw a diagram, etc. if it helps communicate your ideas, but this is not required. You may have one idea you’re already very attached to, but you’re still required to propose at least 3. Sometimes our first ideas just aren’t our best, sometimes they’re not as novel as we think they are, sometimes they are over-ambitious, etc. However, you may indicate which of the 3 ideas is your favorite if you’d like.
Feedback should be critical yet constructive. For example, imagine your classmate proposed as one a game where you have to design a bridge over a chasm and see if it’s strong enough to drive a truck over. Rather than saying something like “That’s such a lame idea dude, there’s already like a million bridge-builder games,” it would be much more useful to offer suggestive feedback, such as:
“Bridge-builder games are an interesting direction, but there have already been a lot of very similar games in this space. However, I notice that these games tend to always somehow pause time and gravity while you design and build the bridge (like the gif on the right), which isn’t really how it works in the real world. What if you added a novel twist to this genre by calculating gravity during the building phase, so that the bridge would have to remain stable throughout its construction?”
For each of your 3 ideas, write a one-paragraph review and include a reference image that describes the idea. Post to the Google Group, in the same thread as your precedents. Afterwards, browse the submissions of your fellow classmates and post feedback on at least one other person’s findings.