Assignment 10.0: Portfolio


Produce a portfolio website that will be useful to you after this class! For most people this will mean reformatting and polishing your current page. Alternatively, you can build a new website, or modify an existing portfolio page to include work done for this class.

This is due by the end of the semester (Apr 27th), and counts as your final weekly assignment. However, it's my hope that you'll be motivated not by the prospect of getting a good grade, but rather by the prospect of landing a good job/internship/co-op in your field of interest.


Your website must at least include all of the following features:

Hacker Points:

Complete your choice of the following features (or all) to get bonus points in the assignment:


Commit and push your changes to your website before midnight on the due date. If your URL is different from the URL you've used in class so far, make sure to notify me (email nathanmelenbrink -at- gmail -dot- com). That's all! Have a nice summer!