Assignment 9.0: Sound and Vision


Create an application that responds to a 3rd party media signal, such as audio or video. The signal may be real-time or pre-recorded. You could think along the lines of a music visualizer, a streaming video filter, an audio effect, or some combination of these, etc. Feel free to look at outside projects/tutorials for inspiration. Your assignment should use the techniques covered in class, but the creative output should be substantially different from the examples we covered so far.


Your program must at least include all of the following features:

Hacker Points:

Complete your choice of the following features (or all) to get bonus points in the assignment:


Create a new directory (folder) in your local repository called "assignment_9_0". Inside that folder, create an index.html and script.js (or copy from prior work). Use GitHub Desktop to commit and push your changes, and verify that they published to the web.