Weekly Overview
Assignment Review
Final Project Questionnaire
Local Servers
Review: Arrays of Objects
Mouse Interaction with Objects
Adding and Removing Objects from Arrays
Object Communication
Exercise 5.0: Objects and Images
Assignment 5.0: Game v2
Shiffman - 7.3: Arrays of Objects - p5.js
Shiffman - 7.4: Mouse Interaction with Objects - p5.js
Shiffman - 7.5: Removing Objects from Arrays - p5.js
Shiffman - 7.6: Object Communication Part 1 - p5.js
Shiffman - 7.7: Object Communication Part 2 - p5.js
Shiffman - 7.8: Objects and Images - p5.js
Shiffman - 9.1 Transformation Pt. 1 - p5.js
Shiffman - 9.2 Transformation Pt. 2 - p5.js
Shiffman - 16.1: let vs var - Topics of JavaScript/ES6
Shiffman - 16.4: for...of loop - Topics of JavaScript/ES6