Shiffman - 1.3 Basics of Drawing - p5.js
Shiffman - 1.4 Color - p5.js
Shape Primitives
Bezier Shapes
Drawing is just one part of coding. There are lots of other things we'll need to learn, but drawing is a great place to start!
The basic shape primitive functions are triangle(), rect(), quad(), ellipse(), and arc(). Squares are made with rect() and circles are made with ellipse(). Each of these functions requires a number of parameters to determine the shape's position and size.
The first two parameters for the bezier() function specify the first point in the curve and the last two parameters specify the last point. The middle parameters set the control points that define the shape of the curve.
p5 has a nice, simple way of assigning styles. It's pretty different from other programming languages. The most important functions to know are stroke() and fill(). If you're familiar with Photoshop or Illustrator, these terms means exactly what you think. You can think of stroke() and fill() as functions for setting the current pen color. Set the stroke() to red (stroke(255, 0, 0);
) and every subsequent shape you draw will have a red outline...until you change the stroke() to something else.
There are a number of different ways to specify color in p5. By default, colors are determined in either greyscale or RGB. The parameter range is between 0-255, allowing 256 total possibilities per parameter. Why 256? It has to do with base-2 counting and efficient storage of bits. However, RGB is not the only way to control colors. You can change the input parameters to HSB mode using colorMode().
Create a new directory (folder) in your local repository called "exercise_1". Inside that folder, create an index.html and a script.js file (remember the Getting Started page shows you how to create a minimal template to begin. In your script.js file, create a composition consisting of at least 4 different shapes, each with styling that is somehow unique. Use GitHub Desktop to commit and push your changes, and verify that they published to the web.