Week 0: Assignment


Make a website! You will use this website to turn in your weekly exercises and assignments for the rest of the semester. You should use HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap techniques that we learned in class -- however, you will likely need to spend some time researching new techniques in order to customize your site. The goal for this week is to make the site functional, i.e., that you're able to use it to host your assignments in a way that others are able to find them. You can (and should) continue refining the design when you have free time over the semester. It's fine to look for Bootstrap templates as references, but you must write all code from scratch. As with all assignments, half the points come from technical functionality, and half the points come from attention to user experience, styling and aesthetics. The assignment is due by class time next week.


Your website must at least include all of the following features:

Hacker Points:

Complete your choice of the following features (or all) to get bonus points in the assignment:


Make sure you have completed Exercise 0.0 (setting up GitHub pages, and sending me your link). Use GitHub Desktop to commit and push your changes, and verify that they published to the web. We will be sharing and discussing our page designs next class.